Wisconsin Regional Training Center 

Event Sponsorship Packet

Cornhole Tournament June 18th, 2022


What is the Wisconsin RTC?

The WRTC is a USA wrestling sanctioned Freestyle and Greco training center where high school, college, and post-collegiate wrestlers who meet established criteria can all train together on a consistent basis to reach their goals of being state, national, and World/Olympic champions. 

Along with providing high level training we also financially support post-collegiate wrestlers so they can focus solely on training, traveling around the country for competition, and reaching their goal of standing atop the podium at the Olympic Games.

About the event

On June 18th in Freedom, Wisconsin the Wisconsin RTC will host it’s first every cornhole tournament. We will have a big local crowd as well as people coming in from all over the state. This event will have both competitive and friendly tournaments with cash prizes. Along with that, the Wisconsin wrestlers and coaches will be in attendance. There will also be raffles, games, food and drinks during this event. 

Where money will go

The money our sponsors provide will go towards the Wisconsin RTC so that we can continue to provide opportunities and support for each of our athletes as they continue to chase down their dreams.







·    Free booth space at the June 18th Wisconsin RTC Cornhole Tournament which may be used for corporate promotion

·    Registration for 2 (two) teams (two players) at the event

·    Company Logo on all Meal/Drink Vouchers

·    Company logo on Brackets

·    Company name displayed on rolling projection of sponsors at event

·    Prior to event, recognition as the Event Sponsor in all marketing materials

·    Special verbal recognition on the PA system during the event

·    Recognition on the official website

·    Recognition in thank you ad following the event


·    Company name displayed on rolling projection of sponsors at event

·    Special verbal recognition on the PA system during the event

·    Recognition on the official website

·    Recognition in thank you ad following the event



·    Company name/logo displayed at tournament.