The UTV Raffle is back and this time we are teaming up! The WRTC is in collaboration with the Varsity Collective to bring this year’s UTV Raffle. The money raised during the raffle is going to be split to support the student - athletes in both wrestling and football! The Raffle is going to begin on June 1st and run until our steak fry on October 4th. Be on the lookout for events that we are going to have the UTV at to purchase tickets for your chance to win!

UTV Raffle

When: June 1 - October 4

Tickets: $50 / ticket - no limit

Do not need to be present to win

Ways to Participate:

  • Wisconsin RTC website —> UTV Raffle 2 page

  • Check (PO Box 5583 Madison WI 537

  • Venmo: wiscRTC

  • PayPal: wrestling@wisconsinrtc.com

Contact Garrett Model for more information (608) - 590 - 8922